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Mustang Success Center Collaborative Workshops


Block Schedule Info Sessions | Summer 2024 

This 60 minute session will cover the details of block schedules, understanding transfer credit, registration tools, and making changes to your fall block schedule.  

Workshop Day Date Time Location RSVP
Block Schedule Info Session Wednesday August 7 10:00 AM Zoom Link Aug. 7 RSVP
Block Schedule Info Session Thursday August 8 3:00 PM Zoom Link Aug. 8 RSVP
Block Schedule Info Session Friday August 9 10:00 AM Zoom Link Aug. 9 RSVP

You can view a recording of Block Schedule Info Session on the MSC YouTube page


Class Registration Workshop Dates | Will Resume Fall 2024

During Fall & Spring Quarter the Mustang Success Center will offer 80- minute workshops on the class registration process.

Class Registration Workshop covers how to navigate the registrations process at Cal Poly. From dates and deadlines, to navigating the systems, and figuring out what you have credit for and what to register for.   


workshop Day Date Time Location

You can view a recording of the Class Registration Workshop on the MSC YouTube page.

Registration overview website from Office of the Registrar


Change of Major Info Sessions | Will resume Fall 2024

The university-wide 50-minute session will review Cal Poly's change of major policy and process, explore ways to further research majors and careers through Cal Poly's tools and resources, and assist students to formulate their next steps. Students can refer to their Cal Poly Portal (Academics tab -- CHANGE OF MAJOR at the bottom of the page).

Info session registration is encouraged but not required. Students can register through their Cal Poly Portal and will receive an email with instructions on how to access the workshop in the days prior to the presentation. Students can also join the workshop using the Zoom Meeting ID below.

Learn more about the change of major process and how to sign up for an info session here . If you have issues signing up for change of major info sessions, please plan to attend your desired session (even if you are unable to sign up)

There are no change of major info sessions in spring 2024. Students can view a recording of this change of major video for further information

Workshop Day Date Time Location



Engineering Change of Major Workshop:

These workshops are for students interested in changing their major into or within the College of Engineering.

At the workshop, you will: review the policy and procedure for changing your major to an engineering discipline, create discussion and dialogue about changing your major, and strategize next steps to become more confident in your major decision.

Change from outside CENG

Changing within CENG

Can't make it to one of our live info sessions? 

Check out the recording of a Change of Major Info Session via our YouTube page.


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